brief biography
I am currently a Physical Science Research Scientist at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University, working with Prof. Ali Mani and Prof. Gianluca Iaccarino. As a part of my work at Stanford, I have been involved in multiple projects. In my most recent work, I am using high-fidelity simulations of forced turbulence to learn reduced-order Reynolds Stress Models. I am also currently working on modeling compressible multiphase flows for the INSIEME project under the PSAAP III program at Stanford. In a separate project, I am developing multi-physics models and numerical methods for simulating multi-phase electrochemical systems that have applications in green hydrogen production. I recieved my PhD at Iowa State University co-majoring in Mechanical engineering and Applied Mathematics. I was co-advised by Dr. Baskar Ganapathysubramanian and Dr. James Rossmanith. As a part of my PhD, I developed energy stable numerical methods to simulate two-phase flows using Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes equations. I also have experience in development of tools to analyse and understand complex physical processes like multi-phase flows and turbulence.
Before joining Iowa State for my graduate work, I had a brief stint as a research associate in Dr. Krishnaswamy Nandakumar‘s group in Louisiana State University. There, I worked on energy transfer processes in multi-phase flows.
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
PhD with a co-major in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics [Aug 2016 – Aug 2021]
Dissertation: Energy stable numerical methods for interface resolved simulations of two-phase flows using Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes equations.
Graduate advisors: Prof. Baskar Ganapathysubramanian and Prof. James Rossmanith
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India
- Bachelors of Technology in Chemical Technology [2011 – 2015]
Research Interests:
- Multiphase flows
- Finite Element Methods
- Numerical Analysis
- Turbulence
- Multi-scale
- analysis of stochastic processes
Awards and Achievements:
- Finalist in the Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase at Super Computing ‘22 (The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis). | [VIDEO]
- Center for Turbulence Research Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University
- The Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH) and the Labex Mathématique Hadamard (LMH) Postdoctoral Fellowship at EM2C (CentraleSupélec) Paris.
- Research Excellence Award from Iowa State Graduate College.
- Teaching Excellence Award from Iowa State Graduate College.
- Recipient of Dean’s fellowship from college of engineering at Iowa State University for incoming graduate students.
- Won the Bal G. Joshi endowment award in recognition of innovative thinking, creativity and performance.
- Won the Chemtech poster presentation competition, first among more than 500 participants.
- Received the international travel grant of Department of Science and Technology, India to attend iTi 2014: Conference on turbulence (full financial support)